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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Cat Training


If the definition of “Intelligence” is “the ability to acquire and remember information and the capability to use them while solving different problems”, then the cat is definitely one of the most intelligent animals on this planet.

Just put a cat in a room in which they have never been in before and just watch how they inspect every nook and cranny of the room. This detailed search gives them a multitude of valuable information about their surroundings, information that can even save their life in some cases. In fact, this specific curiosity has never caused them any harm, if truth be told it gave them the reputation of having nine lives by knowing where a safe place was nearby.

We all know that the ability cats have to scrutinize their surroundings is well-known, but, at the same time it has been proven that this characteristic is more advanced than that of any other domesticated animal. The intellectual capacity of the cat is demonstrated by their skill at using this information when they have to pass safely through dangerous conditions. Cats are competent at developing methods by which to learn new things, an attribute that was formerly thought to belong only to primates.

Cats learn through observation, imitation, trying and of course, just screwing up like we all do. The stories you hear with cats being able to open drawers and doors are true and there are also cats that can turn on the lights, use the toilet, and wipe their feet, this is achievable only by carefully scrutinizing the ones that know how to do these things, you, the owner.

Considering the fact that the cat is the most intelligent domesticated animal, it is very important that the owner knows very the limits of their cats use of reasoning, intuition, and perception, because believing your the pet has human motives can behavioral problems. For instance, a cat cannot reflect upon the past or think in perspective, so punishing them for something that they have done even just a few minutes earlier is ineffective, because the cat is not capable of connecting the punishment with their previous actions. In that same light a cat can not seek vengeance for a former punishment either.

Don’t take the intellect of your cat too lightly! Try and get to know your pet better and live in harmony and it will be a rewarding experience for both you and your cat!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Toilet Training Your Cat

Toilet Training Cat The Easy Way by Luke Blaise

By using incremental training it is easy to train your cat to use a human toilet. Why? Imagine if you never had to worry about cleaning the litter box again or lugging large boxes of litter home from the grocery store.

Lots of people have already trained their cats to use a human toilet saving them lots of time and money. One of the best part of all of this is you no longer need to have space for regular litter box, giving you extra space in small apartments and condos.

The easiest way to train your cat to use a human toilet is to use incremental training. What is incremental training? Incremental training is slowly molding your cat's behavior into the actions that you want. This can be done over the course of a couple of weeks. The most important thing to remember when doing this is to take the process really slowly and do not rush your cat at all.
To train your cat to use a human toilet start by slowly moving the litter box closer and closer to your toilet. You need to move it slowly over the course of a week or two to help your cat get used to using the litter box next to the toilet.

Once your cat has been using the litter box next to the toilet for a couple of weeks, slowly start to raise the litter box up, a little each week until the height is the same as the toilet seat.
After a couple of weeks of this you can move the litter box on top of the toilet and then insert a litter box that sits into the rim of the toilet. Once your cat gets used to using the sunken litter box in the toilet, remove it and your job should be done.

The most important thing to remember when toilet training your cat is to take it slowly and by slowly that means weeks, and two days.

About the Author
Visit my cat behavior blog for great easy tips to help you with your cat behavior problem. Or just sign up for my newsletter: The Cat Behavior Specialist

I also like to help people struggling with the cat behavior problems. Please email me if you need help, I have helped dozens already.

Cat Training

Welcome to my new cat training blog.

I'll be posting articles and tips on training your cat very soon, so be sure to check back soon and be sure to visit the Cat Training Expert blog often!


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